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 Courses for Diploma Programs 

Holistic Health Educator

  • History of Naturopathy and Medical Terminology

  • Anatomy & physiology

  • Iridology

  • Basic Nutrition

  • Biology I

  • Herbalogy I

  • Bio-chemicals I  (minerals)

  • Applied Kinesiology I

  • Reflexology

  • Essential oils & Bach flowers

  • Homeopathy I

  • Homotoxicology I

  • Holistic Endocrinology

  • Putting it All Together

Holistic Health Therapist

  • Bio-chemicals II*  (vitamins)

  • Herbology II*

  • Homeopathy II*

  • Essential Oils II*

  • Beyond Bach Flowers *

  • Nutrition II*

  • Applied Kinesiology II*

  • Tapping and Allergy Reduction Techniques

  • Homotoxicology II*

  • Healing Touch  & Acupressure

  • Fertility, Conception and Childbirth

  • Parasitology

  • Sclerology

  • The Holistic Approach


Certified Naturopath

  • Biochemistry III*  (Enzymes & Amino)

  • Herbology III*

  • Homeopathy III*

  • Pediatric Nutrition*

  • Degenerative Diseases I

  • Environmental Toxins

  • Color and Sound Therapy

  • Cleansing

  • Clinical Applications

  • Geriatric Nutrition*

  • Degenerative Diseases II*

  • Live foods

  • Holistic Evaluation

  • Holistic Sojourn


Naturopathic Doula

  • Nutrition for Mothers and babies

  • Herbs and oils

  • Homeopathy & Flower Remedies

  • The Miracle of conception & pregnancy

  • The Miracle of Birth



 Class Descriptions

Holistic Health Educator – Level I Program

Anatomy & physiology

(130 hrs - Classroom 20 hrs, Directed Studies 110)

Anatomy includes the bones and muscles and their locations and actions; organ location; nerve tracts and tissue types. Physiology includes functions of individual organs, the parts they play in various systems and the body as a whole; relationship among muscle, organ and nerve functions. This class also includes a study of individual body systems and their functions; signs of dysfunction, excess or deficiency; how dysfunction in one system can interact with other systems.

Applied Kinesiology I

(26 hrs - Classroom 20 hrs, Directed Studies 6)

Also known as muscle response testing, this technique helps determine which body systems or organs are most stressed and how to support the body with appropriate supplementation.

Basic Nutrition

(52 hrs - Classroom 20 hrs, Directed Studies 32)

This class will include a complete discussion of minerals and vitamins; nutritional levels of foods; food sources of nutrients; advantages of raw foods over processed foods; what elements we really get from foods; what the RDA is and how to use it; proper food combining; common remedies for digestive disorders; suggested food group ratios; and digestive times for various food groups.

Bio-chemicals I (minerals)

(50 hrs - Classroom 20 hrs, Directed Studies 30)

The body is like a castle that we live in for life. Minerals are the materials needed to build a strong house. Vitamins are the tools that make the minerals fit. Enzymes are the construction workers and amino acids are the blue prints. This class focuses on the 16 macro minerals, what each element is used for, and what the signs of access or deficiency include. Students will be able to identify and understand proper mineral balance in an individual, and how to use these critical building materials to establish a strong and healthy body.

Biology I

(26 hrs - Classroom 20 hrs, Directed Studies 6)


This class will include the periodic table of elements and molecular structure; structure of vitamins, minerals, foods and tissues; aerobic and anaerobic activity; the process of digestion; the primary nutritional composition of each system and/or organ; and what elements are critical to the function of each organ. This course includes in depth look at the biology of organisms such as viruses and bacteria, and their impact on health (beneficial and negative) in humans and animals.. This natural and practical approach to Biology is fascinating and fun!

Essential oils & Bach flowers

(46 hrs - Classroom 20 hrs, Directed Studies 26)

"Mind over matter." Emotions are an essential part of health and healing. This class is an introduction to the 38 Bach Flower Remedies, used for nearly a century to counteract negative emotions and common Essential Oils. Skills learned in this class are necessary for proper use and application of these essential remedies.

Herbology I

(48 hrs - Classroom 20 hrs, Directed Studies 28)

Students will learn American herbal classifications; aromatic, astringent, bitter, mucilaginous, and nutritive, as well as how and when to apply them. We will cover the properties and uses of single common single herbs and common combinations of herbs and the benefits of single vs. combination therapies.

History of Naturopathy and Medical Terminology

(70 hrs - Classroom 20 hrs, Directed Studies 50)


The history of medicine encompasses all disciplines and philosophies. Students will learn the roots of naturopathy, allopathy and other forms of medicine; their similarities and differences in philosophies and the when and why their divergences occurred. This course includes instruction in common blood tests, urine tests, and what these mean with regard to health. Understanding the history and current medical terminology provides students with knowledge and confidence to help their clients more fully understand their options for building health naturally.

Holistic Endocrinology

(52 hrs - Classroom 20 hrs, Directed Studies 32)


This class is all about the hormones; the various endocrine and exocrine glands, their functions and their impact and interplay with each other. Body typing, nutritional remedies, color and sound and essential oils that correspond with each gland or organ will also be presented, with a strong emphasis on a "food first" approach to supporting the endocrine system..

Homeopathy I

(26 hrs - Classroom 20 hrs, Directed Studies 6)


This class includes an explanation of homeopathy; how it works on the vital force within the body; and the meaning of the different strengths or dilutions of homeopathic remedies. Students will be introduced to common single remedies, including the cell salts and how to use the Materia Medica, a 200 year old comprehensive repertoire that is invaluable for homeopaths.

Homotoxicology I *

(29 hrs - Classroom 20 hrs, Directed Studies 9)

Building upon principal tenants of homeopathy, students will learn the primary fundamentals of homotoxicology including the six phase chart of progression and regression of diseases, the use of homochord and compositium homeopathic remedies and primary remedies and their uses.

* Prerequisite: Homeopathy I


(32 hrs - Classroom 20 hrs, Directed Studies 12)

This class will teach the science and practice of iris analysis. Students will study the colored fibers of the eye (the iris) to determine tissue weakness and the body’s predisposition to weakness. Slides of several iris will be studied and manual observation of other students’ irises, as well as your own will be part of the training.


(28 hrs - Classroom 20 hrs, Directed Studies 8)

The human foot contains 7200 nerve endings that can be traced back to every organ and tissue of the body. The science of reflexology can be used on the hands and/or feet. This class will teach students how to work on the reflex points on the hands & feet by using specialized thumb and hand techniques. Includes the history of Reflexology; theory and practice; meridians and nerve tracts; what you can tell about the body systems through the feet; oils and/or homeopathic remedies that can be used.

Putting it All Together*

(85 hrs - Classroom 20 hrs, Directed Studies 65)


The holistic philosophy and approach to true and abundant health are detailed in this class, bringing all the different assessment techniques together. Students will learn how to educate clients to facilitate healing and take charge of their own health; how to best blend therapies to fit the lifestyles, personalities, and abilities of the people who come to see a Naturopath. Basic business practices and how to start your own business are also covered in this course. *Prerequisites: All of the classes in the HHE program except Final Review & Exams

HHE - Final Review and Exams*

(60 hrs - Classroom 20 hrs, Intern work 40)


A review of all the classes in preparation for final examinations. Finals consist of multiple parts; written testing, and practical application. Intern hours must also be completed by this class.

*Prerequisites: All of the classes in the program must be attended prior to final examinations.


Holistic Health Therapist (Level II Program

Applied Kinesiology II*

(32 hrs - Classroom 20 hrs, Directed Studies 12)

Advanced muscle response testing for additional nutritional points and body systems.

* Prerequisite: Applied Kinesiology I

Beyond Bach Flowers *

(32 hrs - Classroom 20 hrs, Directed Studies 12)

This class includes all the flower remedies beyond the initial 38 Bach flowers and EFT techniques that can be used in combination to facilitate emotional balance and healing.

* Prerequisite: Essential Oils and Bach Flowers

Bio-chemicals II* (vitamins)

(59 hrs - Classroom 20 hrs, Directed Studies 39)

Continuing upon the theme of the body being a castle, this intermediate course focuses on vitamins and amino acids, what each one does in a human body (as well as some animals); signs of deficiency and excess, and common food sources. Students will be able to identify proper vitamin and amino acid balance and recognize the subtle interplay of these vital nutrients.

* Prerequisite: Biochemicals I

Healing Touch & Acupressure

(32 hrs - Classroom 20 hrs, Directed Studies 12)

Students will learn what meridians are and how they affect the body, both physically and emotionally, location of meridians and how to clear blockages. In Light Healing Touch, students will learn about the main energy centers located throughout the body (chakras) and how touch can promote healing physically, mentally, and spiritually. These techniques are especially helpful to those in the dying process or those who are in too much pain to be touched.

Herbology II*

(64 hrs - Classroom 20 hrs, Directed Studies 44)

Students will learn about Ayrvedic doshas, Ayurvedic herbal classifications with special emphasis of the most commonly used Ayurvedic herbs and herbal combinations and their benefits.

* Prerequisite: Herbology I

Homeopathy II*

(38 hrs - Classroom 20 hrs, Directed Studies 18)

This class includes remedies for specific health concerns; constitutional homeopathy and miasms; and the use of higher potencies. Cell salts are also explored in greater detail including their interplay and options for use with mineral supplementation.

* Prerequisite: Homeopathy I and Homotoxicology I

Homotoxicology II*

(46 hrs - Classroom 20 hrs, Directed Studies 26)

Building upon the basic homotoxicology course, students will learn about the bystander reaction, progressive/regressive vicariation, the structures involved and the advanced comprehensive nutritional and homeopathic approaches to re-establishing humoral, matrix and cellular health.

* Prerequisite: Homeopathy I, Homeopathy II and Homotoxicology I

Essential Oils II*

(20 hrs - Classroom 20 hrs)

Building on the level one Essential Oil course, students will recognize the proper plant/flower growth, harvesting and distillation processes; and how to make blends according to a client's special needs. Students will also learn emotional and physical application techniques.

* Prerequisite: Essential Oils and Bach Flowers

Fertility, Conception and Childbirth

(31 hrs - Classroom 20 hrs, Directed Studies 11)

An introduction to the miracle of life and the nutrition, homeopathics and essential oils used prior for infertility, conception, childbirth and raising healthy babies. This class teaches the holistic health student how to help clients prepare for conception, childbirth and raising a healthy child.

Nutrition II*

(108 hrs - Classroom 20 hrs, Directed Studies 88)

Building on the basic nutrition course, this class focuses on advanced nutrition options such as the glycemic index, blood type diet, and advanced food combining for specific health goals.

* Prerequisite: Basic Nutrition


(40 hrs - Classroom 20 hrs, Directed Studies 20)

Parasites are involved in nearly every disease state and despite current attitudes in the American medical community, you don't have to travel to a foreign country to pick up. Bugs don't get to our border and yell, "Quick, leap off the lamb chop, it's America!" We have bugs in every country on the planet! Identifying them and facilitating their elimination is often quite challenging. This course will teach skills to identify type and location of parasites, as well as remedies and techniques for getting rid of them.


(72 hrs - Classroom 20 hrs, Directed Studies 52)

Building on the science of Iridology, this class presents the emerging science of Sclerology. The sclera is often easier to read and gives very current information about the areas of the body needing the most support, helping the Holistic Health Student to determine where to start with their education of the client and the initial program needed.

* Prerequisite: Iridology

Tapping and Allergy Reduction Techniques *

(26 hrs - Classroom 20 hrs, Directed Studies 6)

Building upon healing touch and acupressure, this class provides additional techniques for restoring physical and emotional balances as well as aligning the various meridians to reduce stress, including undesired hyper immune responses.

* Prerequisite: Applied Kinesiology I & II, Reflexology

The Holistic Approach*

(100 hrs - Classroom 20 hrs, Directed Studies 80)

Students are given hypothetical client situations and/or health concerns and given the opportunity to explore possible therapies and client education processes using their knowledge and skills in preparation for internship.

* Prerequisite: All the other classes in the HHE and HHT programs


HHT - Final Review and Exams*

(60 hrs - Classroom 20 hrs, Intern work 40)

A review of all the classes in the program in preparation for final examinations. Finals consist of multiple parts; written testing, and practical application. Intern hours must also be completed by this class. *Prerequisites: All of the classes in the Holistic Health Therapist program must be attended prior to final examinations.



Certified Naturopath (Level III Program)

Biochemicals III* (Enzymes & Amino Acids)

(86 hrs - Classroom 20 hrs, Directed Studies 66)

The final installment of the body as a castle - the enzymatic construction workers and their vital impact on both digestion and metabolic functions. We will break down the high complex chemical composistion of digestive and metabolic enzymes into a useable guide for improving their action as they relate to health, which includes the benefits of both enzyme therapy and food first options for optimal enzymatic functions..

* Prerequisite: Biochemicals I & II


Herbology III*

(64 hrs - Classroom 20 hrs, Directed Studies 44)

In this advanced course, the complex and fascinating Tradiaitonal Chinese herbal system is covered in depth. One of the oldest known herbal and health models, students will learn the myriad of classifications from Yin and Yang, to heating or cooling, to concepts such as Qi, dry and damp, or metal and wood, etc... and how to apply this ancient form of healing to an individual's needs.

* Prerequisite: Herbology I & II

Homeopathy III*

(52 hrs - Classroom 20 hrs, Directed Studies 42)

In this advanced course, specific constitutional types/miasms will be discussed. An in-depth look at influenza, its history and proper treatment and several other key constitutional homeopathics will be covered. Students will also learn how to make a homeopathic remedy and a personalized imhauser.

* Prerequisite: Homeopathy I & II, Homotoxicology I & II

Pediatric Nutrition*

(70 hrs - Classroom 20 hrs, Directed Studies 50)

Building upon the basic nutrition course, this class will focus on the nutrition needs from newborn to the teenage years. Recipes for nutritious baby formulas, raw first foods, and toddler meals will be covered as well as the nutritional needs for puberty and adolesant years.

* Prerequisite: Basic Nutrition, Nutrition II

Degenerative Diseases I*

(66 hrs - Classroom 20 hrs, Directed Studies 46)

Healing from a degenerative disease requires balancing the body; physically, spiritually and emotionally. This class is designed to help the Naturopathic student incorporate multiple naturopathic modalities on multiple levels on a case by case basis to help teach their clients how to facilitate their healing from known disease states on all levels. Special attention will be given to genetic issues, tumors, blood sugar, circulatory problems, and various forms of mental degeneration.

* Prerequisite: Basic Nutrition, Homeopathy I, Homotoxicology I, Biochemicals I

Environmental Toxins*

(80 hrs - Classroom 20 hrs, Directed Studies 60)

This course covers how to identify pollutants, from heavy metals to pesticides, and their potential sources. Most importantly, we will cover how to avoid them and how to antidote them. Remedies including homeopathic, herbal, and essential oil options that help expel nerve contaminants (such as mercury) will be covered, as well as how to protect the body from vaccine toxins without jeopardizing the immune and neurological systems.

* Prerequisite: Homotoxicology I

Color and Sound Therapy

(20 hrs - Classroom 20 hrs, Directed Studies 0)

Everyone has a favorite piece of music… something that moves them and speaks to their soul. The same can be said of color. Hundreds of years ago, Gregorian Monks used chanting to heal and color has long been symbolic in many cultures. But, as science evolved these forms of therapy lost credibility. “Sound or color capable of healing? Ridiculous!” the scholars cried, “We have no scientific proof of that.” The scholars are now eating those words as science continues to advance. We now use ‘blue’ lights for jaundiced babies and when genetic researchers first tried splicing genes to make genetic modifications, they discovered that only specific frequencies of color or sound could heal those broken DNA strands! This course provides an in depth look at options for using color and sound to help facilitate the healing process.


(66 hrs - Classroom 20 hrs, Directed Studies 46)

Students are given a detailed explanation of cleansing options including herbal, homeopathic, bodywork, fasting, essential oils, detoxification baths, etc. This class is designed to help the natural practitioner determine which type of cleansing and what level of intensity will be best for the individual.

Clinical Applications*

(38 hrs - Classroom 20 hrs, Directed Studies 18)

Bringing together multiple healing modalities to suit the needs of the individual is the most challenging part of Naturopathy. Students will be asked to use all their knowledge and skills from previous classes to provide four hours of comprehensive consultations to volunteers, followed by review and discussion of the cases and the students' recommendations.

* Prerequisite: all of the classes in the Holistic Health Educator and Holistic Health Therapist programs

Degenerative Diseases II*

(86 hrs - Classroom 20 hrs, Directed Studies 66)

Building upon the basic course on degenerative diseases, this advanced class will cover additional diseases particularly cancers and those that affect the heart and circulation as well as bones, joints and muscles.

*Prerequisite: Anatomy & Physiology, Nutrition II, Biochemicals III, Homotoxicology II, Holistic Endocrinology

Geriatric Nutrition*

(40 hrs - Classroom 20 hrs, Directed Studies 20)

Students will learn about the aging process and nutritional needs as we age. This class will also cover the death and dying process.

*Prerequisite: Basic Nutrition, Nutrition II, Biochemicals I

Live foods

(32 hrs - Classroom 20 hrs, Directed Studies 12)

Live foods make live bodies! Heating and processing food destroys vital nutrients. We'll learn about great options for live foods like green drink, how to sprout seeds, raw food recipes, etc.. for optimum cellular health. Bring your appetite!

Holistic Evaluation

(60 hrs - Classroom 20 hrs, Directed Studies 40)

Come on in and stick out your tongue! This course is all about traditional assessment and evaluation tools such as Chinese tongue assessment, ayurvedic pulse evaluation, face and skin assessment, body language, etc. A proper evaluation is key to a successful consultation and lasting results for the client. These long standing traditional assessment tools can provide more information in just a few painless minutes than many of today's routine medical tests.


CN - Final Review and Exams

40 hrs - Classroom 20 hrs, Intern work 20)

A review of all the classes in preparation for final examinations. Finals consist of multile parts; written testing, and practical application. Intern hours must also be completed by this class.

*Prerequisites: All of the classes in the Holistic Health Therapist program must be attended prior to final examinations.



Naturopathic Doula

Herbs and oils

(80 hrs - Classroom 20 hrs, Intern work 60)

This class is dedicated to educating the Naturopathic Doula about herbs and essential oils that help and the herbs & oils that should be avoided during pregnancy, labor and post pardum.

Homeopathy & Flower Remedies

(55 hrs - Classroom 20 hrs, Intern work 35)

Students will learn about common flower remedies and homeopathic remedies with help with all facets of mother and child from conception through the first year of life, including options for helping with labor and delivery, post pardum issues, teething, etc.

Nutrition for Mothers and babies

A look at nutrition needs for women before, during and after pregnancy and the needs of babies from birth to the first year of life. Foods and herbs to help with healthy breast milk and options for healthy alternatives to processed formulas will also be covered.

The Miracle of Conception & Pregnancy

(39 hrs - Classroom 20 hrs, Intern work 19)

A look at fertility, conception and fetal development from egg & sperm to a full term baby.

The Miracle of Birth

(36 hrs - Classroom 20 hrs, Intern work 16)

Giving birth is a dance; some women do the waltz, slowly but surely moving from one stage to the next. Other women do the Tango, moving quickly through one stage only to slow down through another. Students will learn about the labor and delivery process and the when's and how's for using the herbs, oils, pressure points, and nutrition to facilitate the birth process and work with the natural rhythm of each mother and child.

Doula - Final Review and Exams

(120 hrs - Classroom 20 hrs, Intern work 100)

A review of all the classes in preparation for final examinations. Finals consist of three parts; written testing, oral examination by the HINT staff, and practical application. Intern hours must also be completed by this class.

*Prerequisites: All of the classes in the program must be attended prior to final examinations.











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