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What is Iridology?

Iridology is the study of the colored part of the eye. Ever heard the saying, “The eyes are the window to the soul”? Well a more accurate saying might be, ‘the eyes are the road map of the body’. Using a simple flashlight and a good magnifying glass we can learn quite a bit about the strong and weak areas of an individual’s body.  It’s a painless and effective way to determine areas that need some extra attention.

Iridology is generally credited to Dr. Ignatz Von Peczely. As child in 1837, he received a slingshot for his tenth birthday. He shot an owl with it, breaking it's wing. Remorseful for injuring the owl, he nursed it back to health during which time he noticed changes in the bird's eye as it healed. Curious about this, he began noting eyes and corresponding changes in people. He then developed the first known iridology chart.

About the same time, Nil Liljequist, a Swedish clergyman who was often in poor health, observed increasing accumulations of brown spots in his eyes which he noted corresponded to continual use of drugs. He too became interested in what the eyes could tell us about the body and developed an iridology chart. 

By the 1880's both Peczely's and Liljquest's charts were very similar to each other, even though the two had never met. However, the fact that they were so similar sparked interest by other physicians of the time and they continued to study iridology as a means of assessing health. In 1929 Dr. Bernard Jensen began to work on iridology. And so began an iridology era that lasted over 70 years. In addition to being the founder of  Hidden Valley Ranch, Dr. Jensen is responsible for one of the most comprehensive charts to date. 

Why it works

When we are forming in the womb, we resemble a popcorn shrimp. This is our brain and nervous system, off of which everything else buds... arms, legs, colon, bones, etc. The iris begins forming by the 6th week of pregnancy and is an extension of the nervous system. It records nerve impulses and reflects the state of the other body system through changes in the fibers and in colors. 

Just a Few Iridology Basics

There are only two true eye colors - brown and blue.  Everything else is a result of 'junk' on the fibers. Yellow is a sign of kidney imbalance. Orange may be a stressed pancreas, blood sugar imbalance or candida. Place these colors on a blue eye and we get what appears to be a green eye. 

The separation of fibers indicates a weakened area.

Lots of tightly packed straight fibers indicate a strong and healthy area.

A psora is a spot on the eye that is various shades of brown and almost appears to be floating (or when viewed  up close resembles a small scabby mole). It indicates accumulations of toxins and is often an inherited weakness. 

White may indicate inflammation or healing.


Of course we are barely scratching the surface here. We encourage you to attend an iridology class if you'd like to know more.




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